What needs your attention: Solutions or Problems?


"If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges."

 Hey, everyone out there! 

We all encounter difficulties occasionally. It's typical, even though it's annoying, and it happens every day. These issues can occasionally seem too huge, overwhelming, and difficult to address. Putting your attention on solutions rather than issues is a good strategy to handle this.

Which does this imply? When we are facing a problem, we are frequently preoccupied with it. We frequently reflect on how horrible and uncomfortable it is or how it interferes with our thoughts and objectives. This, however, has a number of new outcomes.

 We first construct the issue in our brains.

 Every time we consider it, it grows bigger and bigger, making us feel less able to solve it. Even a problem with a simple solution might cause us stress and anxiety. It worries us way more than it needs to. Additionally, it can be challenging to think of solutions when we place too much emphasis on issues.

Instead, you can concentrate on a solution to get better outcomes. It presents the issue as something that can be resolved and enhanced. Because the answer is already there, you can feel much more relaxed and less anxious, which prevents you from becoming as stressed. This way of thinking constantly encourages you to focus less on problems and more on solutions. My dear readers, it should be noted that sometimes the answers won't be immediately apparent and figuring out what you do might take some time. However, this does not preclude you from seeking a solution.

Concentrate on looking for solutions in this scenario. Work backwards from what will happen once the issue has been resolved.

Remind yourself not to give up and that a solution will eventually come to you. Consider the horizon. There are lot of intriguing new things awaiting you. New solutions will always emerge, so we don't need to feel stuck on the issue. We choose to move forward rather than become stuck when we choose to focus our energy on the solutions rather than the problems. Even though the answer is still not obvious, we are committed to finding it and open to new oppurtunities, difficulties, or suggestions that might help.

At last, my dear readers, I'll conclude this time, saying that every issue has a fix. Although it may not be evident or simple, it does exist. You'll find them if you keep an open mind and an eye out for new potential solutions. Here, this reminds me of a famous quote by Albert Einstein, " We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." 

Thank you my blog readers for giving your precious time to read my articles, for being the inspiration for me to write more, for your encouragement and kind words and also for sharing your point of views, every time, in the comment section.

Please keep showing this level of love for blogs in the future too!

                                                      ~Ridhima Kaul


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